Final disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel can be built to be safe

Posiva accounced 12 February 2015 that the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) issued to the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy its statement on the safety of Posiva’s facility for the encapsulation and final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. STUK concludes in its statement that the criteria set forth in the Nuclear Energy Act are fulfilled and the final disposal facility can be built to be safe. According to STUK, both STUK’s own experts and other Finnish and international experts were used for the review of the construction licence application.
Read Posiva’s announcement in its entirely: Posiva’s announcement
Since 2010 Ramentor’s ELMAS (Event Logic Modeling and Analysis Software) has been the method for auditing technical plans and risk analyses. Based on STUK’s statement the project can now be continued with detailed engineering.