Dissertation: New approach adapts to special reliability modelling needs

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is one of the most challenging targets in the world for reliability analysis. Only by using an efficient and flexible modelling technique it is possible to understand all the details affecting the operation. The same powerful approach can be used for increasing the production and energy efficiency of industrial processes.
As a part of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study, CERN, Tampere University and Ramentor Oy developed a novel reliability modelling approach that is suitable especially for vast and complex analysis targets. The research focused on enabling automatized model creation and on ensuring diverse applicability and sufficient calculation speed. The result of the research was an OpenMARS approach, which was published in a peer-reviewed article.
In his doctoral dissertation M.Sc. (Tech.) Jussi-Pekka Penttinen has developed the OpenMARS approach further to act as a framework for customized reliability, availability and risk analysis tools. The framework supports fast and efficient development of a tool that adapts to the domain-specific needs of the analysis target, automatizes the model creation, and optimizes the calculation speed of analysis results. When compared to traditional tools, the use of a customized tool is significantly more user-friendly and the workload of the analyses can be managed better.
The dissertation is available online at:
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