CERN FCC RAMS project using ELMAS

The idea is to combine experience from RAMS experts (TUT, Ramentor) with CERN knowledge on accelerators. ELMAS (Event Logic Modeling and Analysis Sofware) is used to model the collider systems and to simulate the particle acceleration process. The analyses are used to find possibilities to improve the LHC and to assess the cost vs dependability requirements for the FCC.
The FCC study launched also a training programme on Accelerator Reliability and Availability (ARA) engineering at CERN. The goal is to build a common foundation in the field of reliability engineering for particle accelerators and to create an active network of accelerator engineers who can assess and address reliability topics. Ramentor provides the training together with University of Stuttgart and Tampere University of Technology.
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Can a future circular collider may make you feel cosy at home?
Read more about the training programme from:
Exploiting the full potential of the LHC and designing sustainable future accelerator infrastructure
Read more about CERN-Ramentor R&D agreement:
A new tool to evaluate complex tech systems’ efficiency
Read more from FCC study page:
Reliability and availability are key quality attributes
Read more from publications:
Modeling Future Hadron Colliders’ Availability for Physics
Availability modeling approach for future circular colliders based on the LHC operation experience